Each year over 500,000* women die from complications due to pregnancy and childbirth. A UN study found that an African woman’s risk of dying due to maternal complications is 175 times greater than women in developed countries. * Women in the Busoga Eastern region of Uganda face this desperate reality throughout their reproductive lives. Many Safe Motherhood initiatives have been launched throughout Uganda to curb continuation of this staggering reality, but they fall short. Many are based in urban areas, failing to reach the most vulnerable women in rural areas far away from any resources.
In the villages within the Busoga Eastern region of Uganda rural/village families are not being reached by health care resources or current safe motherhood initiatives because of government limited resources available in the Country. The needs assessment indicated that accessibility to heath care facilities is difficult. Distance and money were the largest barriers however, lack of knowledge of antenatal health (on the part of the husbands and wives) prevented pregnant women from seeking much needed antenatal care.
The proposed Safe Motherhood initiative is looking to target women beyond the scope of current initiatives and available resources. In order to empower these women to have safer, healthier pregnancies an education program addressing these issues is the vital first step. Education sessions geared toward women of childbearing age and their families will allow them to understand the importance of nutrition, antenatal care, safety during birth, and proper care of mother and baby. In conjunction with this crucial education session, it is important to identify and train key members in the community on more extensive antenatal and birth education.
The implementation of URICT-UGANDA’s Safe Motherhood initiative is looking to improve the lives of families with the least access to health facilities and current initiatives. By providing education to women, teenage mothers, husbands, and birth attendants it will increase knowledge of basic health and safety and the utilization of this knowledge that can mean the difference between life and death.
- We sensitize mothers and husbands in the villages of Busoga Eastern region districts on health, nutrition, safety and gender sensitivity
- We train community members as birthing attendants and community awareness leaders and equip them with Safe Mother Kits, mobile phone and bicycles
- To train URICT-UGANDA staff members on Safe Motherhood practices, trainer of trainees
- We pattern with the local and international health departments on issue of women and children’s health.