Goal reached!

Words can’t state how we feel right now!!

Thanks for all the prayers and the faith you kept. What seemed our biggest challenge ever attempted has finally come to the point of conclusion.

Security Fence Goal Reached!

As a miracle, we can say our Board member and our mom Tammymorrison.com – Tammy Morrison has paid for the balance needed to complete the security fence. Thanks so much mom.

We want to thank especially Rainer Rössler and Maureen Bird ‘s granny – Noami who contributed heavily financially, prayed harder and even contributed ideas.

We want to thank Helene Wolters Cherylanne GoberEric Prusak Prusak Eric Elisabeth Mutschlechner Oniece Gregory Tammy Tripp-Daniels Tona Crocker Betsy Terry Dettloff Paula Ferrari and friends of  ‪‎TammyMorrison, friends of ‪RainerRossler and everybody who contributed to this cause.

We shall now move faster and in future we shall put a razor wire and security lights on the fence wall.

Thanks everybody and be Blessed.