Build a School

Build a school and bring hope through education

It’s remarkable how little money is required to build or refurbish a school in rural Africa. But just think… a seemingly small donation by you today can make a huge difference tomorrow in the life of a child who is hungr for an education.
With your financial help, we will ensure that hundreds of children in Eastern Uganda have access to quality public education, thereby raising the standard of living for an entire future generation.

We to renovate, expending and building another new block of classes. This will help us recruit many outside children into the orphanage school. This outside children who are not orphans will be paying some little fees to help in giving teachers and non staff allowances.
If we expand the school it will be also another source of income to help the total orphans.

Please make a donation today.

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Donation Total: $20.00

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Costing for Building of a Classroom Block - Click to Expand